James Busby
Artstation / Instagram / Facebook 
Scan usedMetahuman Identity's 


In this video I want to show you how to use our new ultra high res metahuman identity packs to supercharge your metahumans in Unreal Engine 5. 

Quickstart Guide

Quick start guide those of you who are already familiar Unreal Engine and the mesh to metahuman workflow

1) Create a metahuman using the Mesh to Metahuman Plugin and supplied ScanStore Mesh to Metahuman FBX

2) Edit and save your metahuman in Metahuman Creator

3) Import your Metahuman into Unreal Engine and setup lighting (Explained in more detail here

4) Replace your metahuman Albedo / Normal / Cavity Maps with supplied Scan Store Maps

4) Export Normal Wrinkle maps and overlay Scan Store Normal Texture to create wrinkle maps with high resolution scanstore details More (Explained in more detail here )