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21 Nov 3D Scanning Cars With Photogrammetry
andy 35 49558
3D Scanning Cars With Photogrammetry   Scanning cars with photogrammetry is perhaps one of the trickiest things we do here at Ten24, reflective surfaces, glass, etc can make for a very difficult subject, throw colour capture into the mix and things start to get complicated. We're not going to reveal any details about how we do it just yet but ..
02 Nov 3D Scanning Reflective Objects With Photogrammetry
James Busby 27 174039
  3D Scanning Reflective Objects With Photogrammetry By James Busby One question I see rising time and time again is “how do I scan shiny or reflective objects with photogrammetry” The answer is, you can't, it's impossible to scan a / transparent / reflective or very shiny objects using photogrammetry without some kind of surface preparation o..
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 (1 Pages)