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News and Tutorials - Full body Scan RSS Feed

06 Jul Quick and Dirty Rendering in Marmoset Toolbag 4
James Busby 0 11406
Introduction In this short article I want to show you how I quickly hacked together these scenes using a selection of anatomy reference scans from our library. The scans in question are from our Male 01 and Male 05 collections. Whilst these are relatively low resolution models intended primarily for anatomy reference there is still a lot of de..
14 Oct Unreal Engine Scan Demo
andy 0 12820
Unreal Engine Scan Demo   This was a quick tech demo that we created to test out our Military scan bundles in Unreal Engine 4.13.1. The scans were converted in Modo to FBX and imported directly into Unreal with 8k texture maps (reduced from 16k) The environment is the amazing Conifer forest collection available on the Unreal market place   Unre..
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