James Busby
Artstation / Instagram / Facebook 
Scan usedHD Male 3D Head Model 38

For as as long as I can remember Ryan Kingsliens Demo head has been part of Zbrush, every time I open it up its there staring at me, however I've never used it for anything so I figured it was time to give it a bit of a makeover. I wanted to see what it would look like as a real person so I set about using our tried and test HD scan wrapping workflow to apply realistic textures to the model. I softened some of the stylised details in order to make it look more like a real person. I think what I ended up with is sort of Channing Tatum, Chris Evans chimera. I was surprised to see how much applying realistic scan based textures to such a stylised model transformed the look of the head. 


The workflow is very straightforward as you will see from the video it consists of 3 main steps 

1. Wrap - Wrap our HD scan to the demo head using Wrap 3 
2. Project and clean - Project the mesh in Zbrush and fix any errors 
3. Render - Import the new mesh into the HD head scan marmoset scene are reuse all of the existing textures and shader. 

We have a much more in-depth tutorial on this process (Link below)

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