ArtistSolomon JagweWebsiteYoutube / Instagram / FacebookScan usedHD Male 3D Head Model 49IntroductionSolomon Jagwe shows us how to turn our HD head scans into awesome Reallusion Character Creator characters using their new Head Shot 2 plugin. In this video he highlights the steps necessary to easily transfer a scanned head from the scan store, comp..
ArtistJames BusbyWebsiteArtstation / Instagram / Facebook Scan usedHD Male 3D Head Model 34 / Man Bun HairIntroductionIn this tutorial, I will demonstrate the procedure for transferring our real-time hair models onto any of our high-definition (HD) or standard-definition (SD) head scans. This method necessitates the use of Wrap 3. The technique out..
ArtistReinaldo GarcíaWebsiteInstagram / Artstation Scan usedAnimation Ready Body Scan / Female 03Reinaldo initiated this project with the goal of practicing facial anatomy. However, he ended up creating a full character. Reinaldo is a big fan of the League of Legends lore, with a specific interest in the Noxian area. Reinaldo made an effort to crea..
ArtistAlfred MathieuWebsiteInstagram / Artstation / FacebookScan usedAnimation Ready Body Scan / Female 03Alfred is currently working on a project featuring KARABA, the Sorceress from the movie KIRIKOU. The project serves as a demonstration for Alfred's Character Lookdev Lesson at @new3dge, where he teaches how to model and create anatomy using ZBr..
ArtistSabrina SuppaWebsiteArtstationScan usedMorphable Male And Female Base Mesh / Female 21 Head Scan / Female 3D Hand ModelSabrina finally found the time to bring her beautiful modern reinterpretation of Pandora, "the all giving," to life. She used ZBrush, Marvelous Designer, Maya, and Arnold software and some scan store scans to help to bring he..
ArtistBernadett DianWebsiteArtstationScan usedFree Head ScanAs a practice, Bernadett decided to recreate one of her very first portrait attempts from 2018, when she became an asset intern at a 3D animation company. The aim of this personal project was to assess her progress and also to learn new techniques in shading and grooming. To speed up the p..
ArtistJay HowseWebsiteArtstationScan usedFree Base mesh / HD Male 06Jay started this one while stuck indoors with Covid he had been watching some episodes of the brilliant (and often incomprehensible) cult '60s series The Prisoner. (it felt quite apt at the time) He decided to model the titular character, played by Patrick McGoohan. He started wit..
ArtistAverWebsiteArtstationScan usedHD Male 3D Head Model 05Aver made great use of one of our male HD head scans to create this project. His goal was to attempt to improve his understanding of lighting and rendering in Arnold as well as develop a working knowledge of XGEN.More Images..
ArtistLukas KutscheraWebsiteArtstation / InstagramScan usedHD Male 3D Head Model 48Lukas used a combination of Zbrush / Marvelous Designer / Substance Painter / Maya / Photoshop and one of our HD head scans to create this amazing Captain Jack Sparrow likeness, be sure to take a look at his Artstation or Instagram accounts see his other amazing Pira..
ArtistLukas KutscheraWebsiteArtstation / InstagramScan usedUltimate Textured Male Base MeshLukas made use of our textured male base mesh as a stating point for the geometry and texture work on his fantastic anatomy studies based on bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman. Sculpted in Zbrush and rendered in Maya with Arnold. Skin colour was projected in Zbrush +..
ArtistNayoon-LevitinproWebsiteArtstation \ Project BreakdownScan usedHD Female 3D Head Model 01This fantastic portrait was created by Nayoon as her final project for her advanced term at Think Tank Online inspired by a portrait by Lídia Vives she used a combination of ZBrush, Maya, Xgen, Mudbox, V-Ray, Mari, Marvelous Designer, Photoshop and of cou..
ArtistBLU1304WebsiteArtstationScan usedRetopologised Head Scan 36BLU1304's take on Rust Cohle from true detective the skin Details were created by hand without any scans, however she used a reworked albedo texture from one of our retopologised Male Head scans. he was sculpted using ZBrush and textured with Substance Painter. Grooming was done with ..
ArtistBLU1304WebsiteArtstationScan usedRetopologised Head Scan 12Inspired by Billie Eilish's Music Video "you should see me in a crown" BLU1304 created this amazing likeness during one of Kris Costas classes. The skin pores details were created manually in Zbrush and the albedo maps were derived from one of our retopologised head scans. The lightin..
ArtistChuang Chun HanWebsiteArtstation Scan usedHD Male 3D Head Model 10This Luke Evans likeness project is Chuang Chun Han's first creation after 2 years of studying 3D modelling. Sculpted from scratch using Zbrush then textured with the help of our HD head scans and rendered using Arnold in Maya.More Images..
ArtistBrad MyersWebsiteArtstationScan usedHD Male 3D Head Model 10Brads amazing Bladerunner 2049 Ryan Gosling likeness was rendered using Unreal Engine 5. He sculpted the character in Zbrush using Zwrap to wrap one of our scan store HD heads in order to make use of the high resolution skin pore details. The hair was made in Xgen for Maya and then e..
ArtistJames BusbyWebsiteArtstation / Instagram / Facebook Scan usedFemale HD Head ScanI created this scene in about 25 minutes using one of our new HD head scans. I didn't model anything shown in the video, the clothing is a scan from one of our upcoming scan products, the helmet I purchased of CGTrader. I painted the dirt in photoshop very quick..
ArtistJames BusbyWebsiteArtstation / Instagram / Facebook Scan usedHD Male 3D Head Model 38For as as long as I can remember Ryan Kingsliens Demo head has been part of Zbrush, every time I open it up its there staring at me, however I've never used it for anything so I figured it was time to give it a bit of a makeover. I wanted to see what it woul..
ArtistJames BusbyWebsiteArtstation / Instagram / Facebook Scan usedFemale HD Head Scan / Male Jacket 01 / Space Buns XGen HairIn this comprehensive 30-minute tutorial, we will explore the process of assembling this captivating cyberpunk scene utilizing high-quality 3D scans sourced from the 3D Scans Store. The scene was put together using Marmoset ..
ArtistJohan VikstromWebsiteArtstationScan UsedHD Male 3D Head Model 01Johan's personal project took a few weeks to finish due to the sheer number or renders he produced using our HD head model as a bases for his character. He did some sculpting work and extra wrinkles in mudbox however most time on the project was spent on hair groom and lookdev. H..
ArtistColleen Peck LarsonWebsiteArtstationScan usedHD Male 3D Head Model 05Colleen created this fantastic Frollo character during her mentorship programme with industry legends Rafael Grassetti and Glauco Longhi in 2018. Her aim for the project was to was to reimagine Frollo from the Disney movie "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" with a more realistic..
ArtistAdam O'DonnellWebsiteArtstationScan usedHD Male 3D Head Model 01 / HD Scan Detail TutorialAdam has always loved the characters Danny DeVito has played over the years and wanted to capture his expression as Ongo Gablogian in Always Sunny. For this project he also made use of our HD detail transfer technique to create the high resolution facia..
ArtistMarco Di LuccaWebsiteArtstation Scan usedHD female 3D Head Model 05Industry veteran a Marco Di Lucca created this amazing animated sequence as a quick project whilst travelling using a combination of Maya and Mudbox with all the rendering done in Arnold. More Images..
ArtistXie BoliWebsiteArtstationScan usedHD Male 3D Head Model 06Amazing Loki fan art by renowned character artist Xie Boli created using Maya, Zbrush, Mari, wrap and substance painter with XGen for the hair. Skin textures from one of our 3D scan store head scans.More Images..
ArtistJames BusbyWebsiteArtstationScan usedHD Male 3D Head Model 09James created this image by posing one of the the HD head scans using Zbrush and then combining the head with some pre scanned costumes from another project. Rendered using Marmoset toolbag 4 as a way of testing out the new Raytracing features. More Images..
ArtistRoger MagriniWebsiteArtstationScan usedHD Male 3D Head Model 03Roger started this project to learn how to use the Metahuman facial rig/blend shapes and implement them to his workflow. Roger made extensive use of our male HD Head scan to create the highly detailed skin pores and face texture. The scan store head is so highly detailed and versa..
ArtistFHNTWebsiteArtstationScan usedHD Female 3D Head Model 35FHNT's latest personal work is a truly stunning fantasy character, sculpted in Zbrush without the help of any scans and textured using the maps from one of our HD head models. Everything was Rendered in Maya using Arnold with Xgen core for the hair.More Images..
ArtistRomain SennegonWebsiteInstagramScan usedHD Female 3D Head Model 25Romain created this image by exporting our HD female mesh from Zbrush level at subdivision level 2 he then posed and rigged it in Blender and added probs and clothes from Daz3D and Marvelous Designer his main focus was on creating interesting lighting and material setups. The ..
ArtistWiek LuijkenWebsiteArtstationScan usedHD Female 3D Head Model 6Wiek Luijken’s stunning Jedi inspired character. Created in Houdini as a means to showcase his energy edge sci-fi katana design. Wiek adapted one of our HD female head scans to create her striking faceMore Images..
ArtistLukas HajkaWebsiteArtstationScan usedRetopologised Head Scan 01Lukas created this realtime Unreal engine study using one of our head scans. More Images..
ArtistOscar Perez AyalaWebsiteInstagramScan usedHD Female 3D Head Model 25I think you will agree this quite possibly the best Thanks fan art on the internet. Veteran 3d artst Oscar Perez Ayala modelled and rendered him using a combination of Maya / Arnold and substance painter with scan store models providing the base for the sculpt and the textur..
ArtistJames BusbyWebsiteArtstationScan usedHD Male 3D Head Model 05James created this scene to test out the Marmoset 4 when it was released he was able to put these scenes together in a weekend using a combination of assets from the scan store and a few bits and bobs from Mega Scans and CGtrader.More Images ..
ArtistRoger MagriniWebsiteArtstationScan usedHD Female 3D Head Model 15Roger created this personal project to work on his environment and story telling and posing skills. created using Maya, Xgen, Substance painter, Zbrush and one of our HD head scansMore Images..
ArtistRajitha NaranpanawaWebsiteArtstationScan usedFemale 01 / HD Displacement MapRajitha did all the Sculpting and modelling for this beautiful piece in ZBrush (no metahumans or scans used for the head). The textures were done in Mari and the groom in Xgen. lookdev and rendering was all done in Maya with Arnold. Rajitha used one of our HD displace..
ArtistYingkang LuoWebsiteArtstationScan usedHD Male 3D Head Model 01This is an old project which Yingkang has had sitting on his hard drive for almost 10 years. He recently decide to pick it up and finish it. David is an android who pities human, but on the other hand he doesn't think human deserve to live. So he gave him a tear which doesn't fit w..
14 days later and we’re so pleased to announce that together we have raised £77,110 in support of those affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine. As previously stated we will be donating this sum to the Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal.
We at 3DScanstore are in complete awe of the outpouring of support we’ve received for our Red ..
Once again I had the opportunity work work on a cool render with Niyazi Selimoğlu. This time I decided to try and do something a little bit more interesting that simply rendering a head. I took his amazing Crescent sculpt and projected on of our HD male head scans onto his sculpt. Then using the same techniques as described in m..
I had another chance to work with the awesome Niyazi Selimoğlu this time texturing one of his female head sculpts. You can see the original sculpt on his Instagram here I used our tried and tested method of projecting one of our HD head scans onto his mesh and then rendering it in Marmoset Toolbag if you want to know more about..
In this tutorial I'm going to show you a very quick and fairly simple way of texturing full body sculpts or models using 3D ScanStore animation ready full body scans. This process allows you to transfer details from our scans onto your sculpt by using a combination of Wrap 3 and Zbrush resulting in a fully texture mapped mode..
In this short article I want to show you how I quickly hacked together these scenes using a selection of anatomy reference scans from our library. The scans in question are from our Male 01 and Male 05 collections. Whilst these are relatively low resolution models intended primarily for anatomy reference there is still a lot of de..
A quick 20 minute video to show you how to use our 3d scan store scans to quickly texture a head sculpt and apply the corresponding high resolution skin pore details. Software used Wrap 3 and Zbrush.
Scan used in this video :: https://www.3dscanstore.com/3d-head-models/hd-head-models/hd-male-head-model-01
Scan details and text..
I've not really had a lot of time to test out new software of late, but the last few lock down weekends have been pretty slow so I decided to put some time into learning how to use the new marmoset 4 raytraced render engine. First impressions are excellent, I was able to put these scenes together in a weekend using a combination..
Our friend the mega talented hyperrealist sculptor Jamie Salmon has just released an interesting video over on his YouTube channel Every Tool in the Box investigating just how good resin printers are at the moment.
In his latest video, he takes a look at an SLA resin print created by Korean company Gluck using one our our HD head scans. He ..
48 Male And Female 3D Head Models Created From High Resolution Scans
We've expanded our library of 3D head scans to 48 male and female 3D head models all with animation ready topology, separate eyes, lens, eye lashes and teeth. Ready to use in any real-time application or offline render.
Interchangeable Texture Maps
All of our ret..
A lot of people asked me about the lighting setup I used to render our real time hands in Marmoset, so in this short article I want to show you a super quick and easy way to get nice close up detail renders. This technique is more about fast easy manipulation of the light souce rather than building a complicated lighting rig
Give yourself a head start when it comes to texturing your sculpts with our multi texture male base mesh. This fully quadded UV mapped base comes with 10 x 16k texture maps captured using our photogerammetry rig. Each texture occupies exactly the same UV and can be swapped out at any time for a different texture. As a littl..
Next Generation Colour 3D Printing
By James Busby
Our good friends at Mimaki very kindly sent us a selection of our scans printed using their latest colour 3DUJ-553 printer. The printer uses a full-colour UV LED curing method that allows for up to 10 million possible colour combinations. Obviously, this has a lot of applications in various in..
3D Scan Shading with Sketchfab
By James Busby
I'm sure almost everyone has heard of or played with Sketchfab by now but recently they have added some nice new subsurface scattering and screen space ambient occlusion features which has turned it into a pretty powerful real-time viewer, especially for characters. In this article, I'm going ..
2 Minute Tutorial - Head Retopology for cleanup
By James Busby
When it comes to cleaning up scan data you should always start with the best geometry you can. Working from RAW triangulated meshes can and will result in messy cleanup jobs with unwanted artefacts and floating geometry. In this video Im going to show you how to very quickly and v..
2 Minute Tutorial - Easy Hair Removal
By James Busby
In this video we are going to show you how to very quickly and very easily remove unwanted noisy hair from body scans. It can be difficult to remove it without destroying the underlying form and for this very reason we see a lot of overly smooth scans. This mask based Zbrush technique allow..
The Art of Adam Pizurny
My name is Adam Pizurny, I work as freelance designer/illustrator based in Prague. I've started messing up in 3D in 2012. For a long time I'm obsessed with human face and figure so naturally tried to bring those to life (and death) in 3D aswell, after trying countless ways to generate human head on computer Ive st..
Piotr Tatar created this amazing scene for the Humster 3D 2016 car rendering competition, unsurprisingly it took first place. His toolkit included 3ds max, Redshift, Nuke, Mari, Marvelous designer, Zbrush, Photoshop, The scene is fully animation ready and with no post processing should look as good moving as it does as a static render. Piotr us..
Try it out for yourself -- Free Head Scan available here
My name is Lee Griggs and I am a technical author at Solid Angle. My job mostly entails testing, documenting and creating tutorials for the Arnold plugins in Maya, 3ds Max, Softimage, Cinema 4D, Houdini and Katana. All of the images here were rendered in camera with..
Low Polygon Female Visualisation Characters
We've put together a low polygon female visualisation character bundle. The pack features 22 different poses, each model has its own 10,000 x 10,000 colour map in JPG format, An 8k normal map as well as a 5k spec map. The models themselves are decimated 100k polygon scans. These are perfect for bac..
3D Scanning Cars With Photogrammetry
Scanning cars with photogrammetry is perhaps one of the trickiest things we do here at Ten24, reflective surfaces, glass, etc can make for a very difficult subject, throw colour capture into the mix and things start to get complicated. We're not going to reveal any details about how we do it just yet but ..
Retopologising 3D Scans with Wrap 3
By James Busby
In this tutorial, I want to show you a very quick and effective way of retopologising scan data using the excellent wrap 3 available using the link below, there's a 15 day free trial for those who want to give it a go. Wrap 3, in my opinion, is a must-have tool when working with scan data, qu..
3D Scanning Reflective Objects With Photogrammetry
By James Busby
One question I see rising time and time again is “how do I scan shiny or reflective objects with photogrammetry” The answer is, you can't, it's impossible to scan a / transparent / reflective or very shiny objects using photogrammetry without some kind of surface preparation o..
Female Écorché Reference Images
Click to enlarge
3D model available here
Unreal Engine Scan Demo
This was a quick tech demo that we created to test out our Military scan bundles in Unreal Engine 4.13.1. The scans were converted in Modo to FBX and imported directly into Unreal with 8k texture maps (reduced from 16k) The environment is the amazing Conifer forest collection available on the Unreal market place
Showing 1 to 58 of 58 (1 Pages)